HMpTy.htm.sets module

Given a list of coordinates and a crossmatch radius, split the list up into sets of associated locations


David Young

class sets(log, ra, dec, radius, sourceList, convertToArray=True)[source]

Bases: object

Given a list of coordinates and a crossmatch radius, split the list up into sets of associated locations

Key Arguments

  • log – logger

  • ra – a list of the corrdinate right ascensions

  • dec – a list of the corrdinate declinations (same length as ra)

  • radius – the radius to crossmatch the list of coordinates against itself (degrees)

  • sourceList – the list of source imformation to be divided into associated sets (same length as ra and dec)

  • convertToArray – convert the coordinates into an array. Default True. Can bypass the conversion check if you are sure coordinates in numpy array


Given a list of transient metadata (any list, possibly a list of dictionaries) you can divide the list to assoicated sets of transients by running the following code:

from HMpTy.htm import sets
xmatcher = sets(
    radius=10 / (60. * 60.),
allMatches = xmatcher.match

raList and decList are the coordinates for the sources found in the transientList and are therefore the same length as the transientList``(it’s up to the user to create these lists). This code will group the sources into set of assocated transients which are within a radius of 10 arcsecs from one-another.`allMatches`` is a list of lists, each contained list being an associate group of sources.
:width: 800px
:alt: divide a list of sources into associated sets
property match[source]

all of the assocaited sets of sources

See the class for usage


Extract all of the sets from the list of coordinates


  • allMatches – a list of lists. All of the assocaited sets of sources